Library Services
The library providing following services to its patrons.
A) User Orientation :
To acquaint the fresher with the library collection, services, and also the rules and regulations of the library, the Library organizes Library Orientation for the first-year students.
B)Reading Room :
Reading Room available with sitting Capacity of 60 students at a time. Reading room facility available strictly against the reading card and provided with Internet facility for Teachers and Students.
C)Home Lending Facility:
Home lending facility available strictly against the Library Card only for one week. Students can borrow one book at a time. Issue returns transactions are fully computerize.
D)Reference Service:
The library has a good collection of reference books we have oxford, Pearson, TMH, PHI, Cambridge, John Wiley & Sons publisher’s books for the students.
E)Internet Facilities :
Library provides free internet facility to the students as well as the staff. Also provided printing facility. Students can access only educational sites, not allowed access for Social networking.
F)Periodicals/Magazines Service :
Library department provides the reading facility of magazines and journals subscribed by the library. Readers can use this facility and refer different subject’s knowledge.
G)Digital Resource Section :
Library Department provides 10 workstations through Wi-Fi connection which users can access digital books, N-list, NDLI and various open resources in the library.