Rahul College of Education

Teacher Help Teachers

Empowering Teachers for a Better Tomorrow: Rahul College of Education’s Collaboration with Teachers Help Teachers

Rahul College of Education is proud to announce our collaboration with Teachers Help Teachers, a leading platform for teachers to learn, share and grow together. This collaboration is aimed at upskilling in-service teachers and bridging the skill gap of pre-service teachers in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) across teacher education colleges in India.

At Rahul College of Education, we believe that empowering teachers is the key to building a better education system. With the support and guidance of Ms. Rakhee Chhabria, Founder/Director of THT, and Ms. Chaitali Mehta, a Core Team Member of THT, we are committed to providing our students with the latest teaching methodologies and techniques.

Through this collaboration, our students will have access to THT’s vast resources and network of experienced educators. They will be able to learn from other fellow teachers across the country and stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in the education sector. Additionally, this partnership will also provide various employment opportunities for our students.

Mr. Utsav Tiwari, COO of Rahul Education, envisioned this collaboration as a step towards achieving our goals and vision. With the expertise and knowledge of such dynamic personalities, we are confident that our B.Ed program will equip our students with the skills and knowledge they need to become successful educators.

We are thrilled to embark on this new journey with Teachers Help Teachers and look forward to empowering our students with the tools and resources they need to make a difference in the education sector.