Library Automation
Library Automation
The Library of Rahul College of Education is automated using Software for University Libraries (SOUL). The software is integrated library management software designed and developed by the INFLIBNET Centre. The college purchased SOUL version 3.0 in the year 2023 to enhance the efficiency of its library services to the users.
All the documents received by the library are catalogued in SOUL using the catalogue module of the software. Moreover, the library create/edit/delete/search user records renew membership and also establish relationship between the user and resources by creating transaction records through circulation module of the software.
Soul Login Page
Home page
Soul 3.0 Library Software (B.ed)
New Member
Book Issue Process in Soul (Software of University )
Book Return Process in Soul (Software of University)
New Book Entry Soul (Software of University Library )
Webopac – Search Report
Journal Indexing/Journal Arrival Updating
Book Barcode
Overdue List