Library Collections
Library Collection
A) Printed Book Collection– Text Books – The library has a good collection of textbooks and reference books of different subjects. Teachers and students can retrieve information about the books with the help of OPAC. The text books are available for the users for reading as well as for issue. The textbooks collection of the library include books of different Courses & subjects like Abnormal Psychology & Modern Life, Special Education, Development of Learner & Teaching Learning Process, Learning & Teaching, Problems of Higher Education, and general books fictions, biographies etc.
B) Digital Book Collection– The digital books collection of the library includes books of different subject’s textbooks and reference books, fictions, story books, biographies . The teachers and students of all departments can access these books through Digital Library Management Software available on library computer in the library.
C) Periodicals – Journals Library has subscription to print journals of different subjects. These are displayed on the display racks for easy visibility of students & teachers.
D) News Papers – Library subscribes various newspapers in English, Hindi & Marathi languages. Users can read them in reading area.
- The Times of India
- Economic Times
- Mid-day
- Loksatta
- Navbharat Times
Library Collection
- Total Collection Of Books- 3127
- Titles- 1187
- Volumes – 3112
- Journals / Magazines –06
- E-Journals/ E- Resources- N-list – User id & Password
- NDLI( National Digital Library of India) From 2022– NDLI – Library
- Students thesis/ Dissertations – 226
- Library Automation Software – Soul 3.0.6
- E- Books (Downloaded)- 51